Sachin's blog

Friday, June 01, 2007

May 25th, 2nd day in Xian

  • There were four main features of the day. 1) Visit to the Typical-Brother company 2) Xian middle school with software and online teaching ability 3) Cooking school (Yes, I learned to make dumplings) 4) Traditional Xian Music and Dance show
  • In the morning we visited a company names Typical company. It make all types of domestic and professional sewing machines. We got a a great tour of the their main branch. All of the Chinese businesses have very good arrangements when students are visiting them. We had seats at their conference table with water bottles, fruits and mainly Chinese green tea. This company makes and sends their products all around the world. This included their customers in India and United States. I found a man who speaks Chinese, Japanese, English, Portuguese, Spanish, German and few words of French. No wonder why they are leading the world in Business. There are may be one or two pictures from that company. Typical Company's showroom

With the group members and company's managers. The gentleman on the front left speaks a lot of languages.

  • Second we went to Xian middle school. This was for short amount of time but very interesting. Normally anyone would think that Chinese education system is behind everyone in technology. But we went to one of the best middle/high schools in China. This school is implementing a program which records teachers teaching classes. These records can be downloaded or buffered from Internet whether you are in rural China or in New York city. This is a special service for the poor students who don't' have greater access to school material and Chinese parents who are living abroad but want to teach their kids about Chinese language and culture. There were many times when I was just amazed with China's dedication towards their culture, traditions and family values.
  • Third, we went to a cooking school. Fortunately that day was their final presentation day. So besides learning about cooking dumplings, I got to meet with many Chinese cooks who are currently students but will serve thousands of restaurants around the world. For the finals presentations, these students made animals, birds and many scenic designs just by carving into fruits and vegetables. All of the students (in the group of 10 or 15) ran in front of the stage in military style and performed their cooking skills. It is very interesting that they did not make any single mistakes as they were performing these actions of cooking, frying, baking etc. Me with Chinese chefs who taught me how to cook dumplings!

And now I can make these beautiful dumplings, j.k. that was a sample plate made by chef.

As their final presentation, Chinese students made these plate by carving fruits and vegetables, Can you believe it?

One more design made out of vegetables!

The group of students taking their final exam.

  • Lastly, we saw a very traditional Xian based Chinese show that included wonderful performances of artist who played and sang many traditional Chinese songs. Dances were very precise and well practiced. Chinese women have a very good sense of color and every dress, color and move in their dances has a typical meaning. So enjoy these pictures. Chinese artist performing a great piece of traditional music, hopefully you get to click on this picture and see it in bigger size.

Very beautiful Dance performance!

It is just me chilling with the security guard, we are now friends, he told me to stop by anytime without any ticket! ? jk.....I wish I will be blogging soon with more updates Thanks Sachin ( )