Sachin's blog

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Day out in Shanghai, May 28th 2007

On May 27th 2007, we travelled from Xian to Shanghai. Flight was in the afternoon so by the time we got to Shanghai it was about 5 PM. We just went around to eat and didn't do a lot that evening. ***************************************************** Today we went around visiting different food, shopping places and many small areas of Shanghai. Shanghai is developing very quickly and has a lot of Western influence. There are some picture of Shanghai, they look very cool. Enjoy

Shanghai at night, very beautiful!
I found a Pizza hut in Shanghai, they even have Chinese Pizza!
Traditional Shanghai life style. Now every single thing is improving but this used to the traditional structure of living. Many people have to live in small places because harbor is used for business which makes real estate very expensive.
I saw many people walking, riding bikes, or driving small mopeds/scooter. This is very good way of saving gas and energy, also keeps you in good shape. Most importantly, bikes, mopeds and motorcycles are in front of big cars and truck at traffic light...they also have separate lane.