Sachin's blog

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

HongKong and Taipei, Taiwan

I travelled from Shanghai to Hong Kong on May 30th 2007. We stayed in Hong Kong for just one night. Hong Kong is a very expensive city and also we had important business visits in Taipei on June 1st. We actually travelled from Hong Kong to Taipei on 31st May right away, one day ahead of our planned day. On June 4th we left Taipei to come back to United States. I am uploading Hong Kong and Taipei pictures together so this can be my last blog. Hong Kong was very expensive but also very business oriented city. Everything was fast, costly and high tech. Even the journey from Hong Kong Airport to the hotel was full of experiences because everything is well planned. Trains, airport, stations everything was timed out, managed with very good high level technology and designed to attract more and more businessmen. Please check out the pictures they will explain more. Hong Kong new airport is like a heaven on the ground. We have small piece of land which is in the middle of the sea where airplanes land. Right next to this runway is bluffs and mountains. The bluffs, mountains, trees and nature in this area is very well maintained. On the top of all of these nature and technology's mixture, right next to the seashore there tremendous amount of city life. There were at least 15-20 buildings that were so tall that I had to lay on the road to take a complete picture. It looks so beautiful to see all of these mixtures of nature and man made things in few minutes from airplane's or trains window. I am sure many of you want to go visit this place but until you go enjoy my pictures. Taipei, Taiwan: This used to be the Japanese colony until second world war. It is very fast growing nation. I saw a lot of Japanese influence in their life style, I also got to practice some of my broken Japanese with the businessmen who do research and development or even production work in Taipei and export most of their products to big name Japanese company like Sony. There are pictures of some of these companies with some city spotlights. Hope fully you enjoyed the blog, I would love to talk to you or email you any other details of my journey if you would like to know them. 15 Day visit to the east end of the world, woke me up. Cultural Traditions, values and moral of the life and disciplines of life or even family system that Chinese follow was just fascinating. May be I will get to visit this beautiful land of beautiful people once again in my lifetime but if I don't, I can look at these pictures and relive my memories again. Thanks Sachin