Sachin's blog

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Taipei pictures.....last blog

My next CAR.....naah....I need more legroom and just a little bit more space.
Food vendor serving food, Taiwanese style dinner at the food court. I know this picture looks weired but it is Japanese style toilet with different water speed, sprays and heat control with a remote control.
"VW" in Taiwan?? Everyone grills their own food at Japanese restaurant. Grill set up at the dining table, I think this will be too much liability in American restaurants, otherwise I am opening one in Minnesota so we can grill in the middle of the Winter! That's the manager at young optics showing his stock numbers. I didn't understand it.....too many big numbers in one shot for me. How about a simple picture at Young optics instead of big numbers?

Breastfeeding room at the railway station.

I told her not to sit at priority seat, I took a picture as a Anna is gonna have hard time taking this picture away from me.

Three shots for US$ 4, Can you imagine what is that?............................................................................................................
White shot: Snake's weak poison
Green shot: Snake's eggs
Red shot: Snake's blood, all shots mixed with vodka! Do you feel like drinking anymore?
Flower market. That's my last Chinese style vegetarian meal in the flight from Taipei to Tokyo, how delicious?
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